Laal Singh Chaddha starring Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan has been pushed ahead since the film is yet to be completed and the shooting was halted in March. More importantly, the actor recently kick-started the Turkey schedule. Now, he will begin the next schedule in Mumbai on September 7 with Kareena.
As per a daily, the makers began working on two sets, at the Film City in Goregaon and Vrundavan Studios in Malad. A house set has been erected at Goreogeon studio where Kareena will be joining Aamir. Post that, Aamir Khan will move to the other set where they have constructed a military hospital. This is a crucial part of the film as the lead actor returns from war.
Adhering to the safety guidelines, the team will make sure to monitor safety precautions on the sets of the film. Every week, the cast and crew will undergo COVID-19 tests apart from their daily checkups. Since Kareena is pregnant, Aamir has urged Advait Chandan that only key members of the crew are present on the set.
The makers have decided to postpone Laal Singh Chaddha to Christmas 2021. The film went on the floor last year and was scheduled for Christmas 2020 release. Amid the crisis, it has been pushed a year ahead.
The actor already filmed in Delhi, Rajasthan, Chandigarh, Amritsar, and Kolkata. In July, the makers decided to call off the Ladakh schedule after India - China clash in the Galwan valley.
Laal Singh Chaddha is the official remake of the Hollywood classic Forrest Gump that starred Tom Hanks. The film stars Vijay Sethupathi. Written by Atul Kulkarni, the film is helmed by Advait Chandan and will be produced by Viacom18 Studios and Aamir Khan Productions.
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