Lillete Dubey is the newest member to join Karan Singh Grover and Surbhi Jyoti on the sets of the refreshed season of Qubool hai. The 66-year-old thespian and actress who used the lockdown for reflective thinking and distanced herself from social media will be portraying the character of Nilofer in the upcoming web-series. She will bring her magic to the smart screen in an enigmatic role as she unfurls some pivotal twists in the storyline. The timeless beauty was spotted doing a photoshoot with the ensemble cast today.
The 10-episode romantic drama, titled Qubool Hai 2.0, will be centered around the lead couple Asad Ahmed Khan and Zoya Farooqui but will have a new premise. It is being produced by Mrinal Abhigyan Jha under the banner MAJ Productions and is slated to release by early 2021. Scheduled for a launch of Zee5 it will be fun to take viewers down memory lane and bring back the cult show in an all-new avatar.
Now let's just wait and watch if the snooping, suspicious and spiteful Nilofer turns out to be a thorn in the flesh of Asad and Zoya!
Also Read: Surbhi Jyoti looks like a vision in white in these sun-kissed pictures
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