Deepika Padukone has been setting milestones with her global journey. And once again, the actress is all set to represent India at The Academy Awards 2023 as she has been announced as one of the presenters. Deepika joins the likes of Emily Blunt, Samuel L. Jackson, Dwayne Johnson, Michael B. Jordan, Janelle Monáe, Zoe Saldana, Jennifer Connelly, Riz Ahmed, and Melissa McCarthy among a few others. The 95th Oscars will air live on ABC on Sunday, March 12, 2023. Deepika has represented the country on major platforms many times before, like when she was chosen to be the only Indian on the Cannes Jury, when she unveiled the FIFA World Cup trophy when she was signed as the first face of world’s biggest luxury brand and many more. Meet your first slate of presenters for the 95th Oscars. Tune into ABC to watch the Oscars LIVE on Sunday, March 12th at 8e/5p! #Oscars95 — The Academy (@TheAcademy) March 2, 2023 On the work front, Deepika Padukone has a bunch of projects in her kitty, including Fighter opposite Hrithik Roshan and Project K, which will be her first collaboration with South star Prabhas. The upcoming Nag Ashwin directorial will also star Amitabh Bachchan and is slated to release next year in January. ALSO READ: Deepika Padukone becomes global brand ambassador of Qatar Airways
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